Local tourist attraction turning away people from known COVID hotspots

The Butterfly House owner Verne Dove.


A COFFS Harbour tourist attraction has turned away almost 50 people from known COVID-19 hotspots in Victoria and Sydney.

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Owner of The Butterfly House, Verne Dove, is urging Coffs Coast residents to remain vigilant as people continue to travel to the region despite NSW Health warnings.

“It’s a double-edged sword; we can’t afford to be turning people away but we certainly can’t afford another lockdown either,” Verne said.

“We started turning people away during the school holidays, it was quite a few Victorians then but now it’s more people from Sydney.

“We’re doing this for the greater good and we want people to be aware that people are still travelling here from hotspots.”

She said there have been mixed reactions from the would-be visitors.

“Some are really understanding and are fine; others not so much and we seem to get a negative review online not long after they leave.

“But that’s something we just have to cop on the chin, at the end of the day what we’re doing is for the greater good.”

With a Masters degree in Disease Surveillance, Verne has been on top of the pandemic from the beginning.

The Butterfly House has been inspected by NSW Health and goes above and beyond what is required to be a COVID Safe business.

Now, Verne is urging other businesses on the Coffs Coast to remain aware.

“I think what’s happening is people are getting in one last hurrah in case restrictions change again and are going travelling to areas where there are no cases,” she said.

“Hopefully other businesses, especially accommodation providers, get on board and everyone does their little bit.

“That definitely filters through our community and makes all the difference.”



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