Macksville Foodworks Store Manager Awarded National Trophy

Foodworks Supermarket Macksville Store Manager Mathew Ward proudly displays his trophy.

NOTA visited Foodworks Supermarket Macksville on 14 November to speak with Mathew Ward, the 2022 recipient of the ‘Allen Burge Store Manager of the Year’ trophy, and discovered that it was his birthday, a double celebration.

The award was announced at the Foodworks Conference held late September in Cairns and Mathew humbly commented on the event, “It was a very special surprise to receive the award while surrounded by my industry peers.”

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The Foodworks store, situated at 16 Wallace Street, Macksville, evolved on the original site purchased for a butter factory by the company now known as the ‘Nambucca River Co-operative Society Limited’, an entity that is proud to be regarded as a leader in the local retail market.

As a local, Mathew explained, “I worked in the deli department in 2002, then returned a couple of years later after testing my skills at the local abattoir, from then on, I’ve seen the operation grow along with my management skills.

“Today I’m proud of the renovations that were completed from August to November in 2019, the store is open, well-lit and inviting, along with easy customer access, and a competitive range of quality products available seven days a week for our community and travellers visiting the area.”

Mathew manages a team of 55 staff that he regards as a big extended family, 20 of which are employed full time, and can walk the aisles welcoming many customers with a hospitable first name greeting.

Nambucca River Co-op invites locals to their ‘Share-Holders’ deals for a cost of $10 to become a part owner of the local business which supports local school, sporting and community events, as well as discounts on your grocery bill.


Mathew’s trophy.

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