Make and show your scarecrow for the Bellingen Show

Grandma never looked so comfy – learn how to make your own scarecrow at the Scarecrow Making Workshop, Bellingen Markets on Saturday 15 April.

IDLE hands can be put to work in a school holiday Scarecrow Making Workshop on Saturday 15 April at Bellingen Community Markets, corner of Ford, Park and Church Streets.

Scarecrow artworks made on the day can be entered into the Bellingen Show Scarecrow Making Competition or can be made at home.

For the workshop a collection of materials will be provided but you can bring along any pillows or pillowcases, clothes, accessories or extras that you feel are fitting for putting into your creation.

“I love the idea of repurpose and reuse, so creating a scarecrow using old clothing and materials means we can give these items another life,” Workshop coordinator and art therapist Bronwyn Napiorkowski told News Of The Area.

“An old pillowcase, stuffed, makes a perfect head.

“You can draw on the features or make beady eyes from buttons and a pom-pom nose.

“I got a bit fancy and printed the face on my gran-crow scarecrow.

“We’ve had such a blast rummaging through Lifehouse’s warehouse preparing for the scarecrow workshop.

“Poking around in op shops to dress your ‘grandma’, ‘witch’ or ‘woolly-haired farmer’ is all part of the fun of cobbling the scarecrow together,” she said.

Bookings are recommended as there’s limited spaces at the workshop.

After the workshop and before the Show, a selection of scarecrows will be displayed in Bellingen’s Hyde Street Lifehouse Care Op Shop window, with all entries displayed and winners announced at the Show.

Scarecrow Competition entries close Sunday 23 April, with all scarecrows dropped off at the Bellingen Showgrounds Luncheon room between 11am-2pm.

For more details and entry forms visit the Bellingen Show website or drop-in to the Lifehouse Care Op Shop on Hyde St in Bellingen.

For bookings and enquiries contact Artisan Tent coordinator Bronwyn Napiorkowski on 0428 114 748.

There’s first, second and third place prizes including cash and tickets to Big Banana activities.


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