Medical Miracle for Anne Lake

Anne Lake with her caring daughter Nicole Sellick.
Anne Lake with her caring daughter Nicole Sellick.


ANNE Lake is extremely fortunate that her astute and tenacious daughter, Nicole Sellick, assisted in a medical miracle.

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Wracked with stabbing joint pain and her hands too sensitive to touch, Anne was fatigued and more or less bedridden.

She was in tears for most of the time and shuffled around the house.

She felt that she was dying.

Doctors could not diagnose her problem.

Nicole noted all of her mother’s symptoms and discussed them with friends in her home town in the Southern Highlands. The word ‘myalgia’ kept cropping up so she Googled it along with associated medical conditions.

“I knew that Mum was a straight shooter and was worried that the medicos might be dismissive of her concerns,” she said.

“I therefore returned to Lemon Tree and accompanied her to the doctor to back her up and to suggest what I thought the problem was,” she added.

The story has a very happy ending.

Nicole’s diagnosis was more or less spot on with ‘Polymyalgia Rheumatica’ being the culprit.

A course of pills gave instant relief for Anne and she is more or less back to her old self.

The condition affects some 59 people over 50 years of age in every 100,000.

It is more prevalent in women than in men.

Currently, Nicole is back staying with her mother while she recovers from an unrelated medical condition.

“You can research your own symptoms, but the most important thing is to get a doctor who listens to you,” Anne said.

“If not, get a second or third opinion.”



One thought on “Medical Miracle for Anne Lake

  1. Pills(predisolone)) are not the answer to Polymyalgia Rheumatica.I have. it for 4 years and was on pills for 1 year. Not cured worse than ever.. Terrible side-effects too even when coming off and on them. A book by Margaret Hills,SRN called treating Arthritis the drug-free way is well worth the reading. She cured herself and many others have following her teaching.

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