Medowie Garden Club celebrate Christmas in July

Medowie Garden Club members having a ball at their Christmas in July celebrations.
Medowie Garden Club members having a ball at their Christmas in July celebrations.


THE Christmas spirit was alive and well around town recently, with Medowie Garden Club holding their annual Christmas in July at the Medowie Community Centre. 

Kate Washington
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The day was attended by 25 members and three guests and included a cut flower competition, a great lucky door prize, a pictorial presentation on the flora and fauna of the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, an amazing meal and lots of great conversation.

Although beautiful cut flowers may not be very plentiful at this time of year, members managed to fill three tables with a wide variety of blooms ranging from kangaroo paws to orchids.

Winners were decided by popular vote and were Wendy Petersen, Jenny Budden and Jean Lawrence.

The lucky door prize of a rustic birdhouse made at the Terrace Men’s Shed was won by Mary Pitt.

The delicious two course luncheon was again provided by members with dishes ranging from warming soups to salads, meat dishes, pasta and lovely desserts.

The club AGM was held in early July with the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer elected for 2017/2018 being Warwick (Rick) Porter, Megan Power, Chris Voigt and Fran Easter respectively.

Residents in Medowie and surrounding areas interested in gardens and gardening should consider attending meetings of the Medowie Garden Club, which are held on the first Saturday each month at a member’s residence.

Information can be obtained by phoning the secretary on 4982 9025.

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