Meet The Candidates for the MidCoast Election: Michael Bergin

Mick is the only ungrouped candidate for the upcoming election.


AS Local Government Elections approach, News Of The Area is introducing you to the candidates for the Election.

Michael (Mick) Bergin is a Hillville local who is running as an ungrouped independent candidate for MidCoast Council.

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He spoke to News Of The Area about his decision to run this term.

“I am running for council because after speaking and listening to many long-time locals, I could not believe how much anger there is towards the current council and how much change the community wants,” Mick said.

Mick believes that through his experience with his own business, he will be able to apply skills to benefit the council if elected.

“I’ve built and managed my own business and I have a lot to offer the local community through my life experiences.

“Honesty and integrity were a large part of operating my business successfully and I feel this is what is needed in Council at this point in time,” Mick said.

Although Mick is running as both an independent and a single candidate, he has faith that the community will support him.

“If elected I will be speaking to as many local business groups and community groups to find out what is most important to them, taking these thoughts back to discuss council.

“It’s important to have discussions and to ascertain the pros and cons of all issues and relate these back to the community so as they all can understand any decisions, whether they think they are right or wrong,” Mick said.

Mick believes in transparency and holding the Council accountable for decisions.

“We need to be able to provide transparent facts and figures to the community and in the past, there hasn’t been enough open consultation from Council to the community.

“This is a major factor that I will be endeavouring to change,” he said.

He is aware that not all decisions will be supported by the community, but clear arguments and transparency with decision-making will ensure that the community is kept in the loop.

“I am only 56 years young, retired, and am in a position to be able to dedicate a lot of my time to the role of Councillor, and if elected I can assure the local community that I will be doing so,” Mick concluded.

Pre-poll voting has begun across the MidCoast with election day on 4 December 2021.



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