MidCoast 2 Tops announces Koala Paddock Tree Regeneration Project in an effort to preserve remaining koala habitat in the MidCoast region

A koala in a paddock tree. Photo: L. Booth.

MIDCOAST 2 Tops Landcare is urging landholders to improve the health of paddock trees.

The Koala Paddock Tree Regeneration Project is an attempt to protect the sparse habitat left for MidCoast koalas, and is managed by Project Officer Lauren Booth.

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“Paddock trees are an integral part of both agricultural and natural landscapes as they provide shade and shelter to livestock, prevent erosion, and store carbon, as well as being a valuable source of food and habitat for wildlife,” Ms Booth said.

Koalas are known to use paddock trees, particularly during breeding season, however given age, drought, disease and pests, many isolated paddock trees are dying.

“Improving connectivity of trees for wildlife across the landscape is vital, especially for koalas, as they are extremely vulnerable while on the ground,” Ms Booth told News Of The Area.

This project will give many landholders the opportunity to fence off a selected paddock tree, controlling access by livestock, while allowing access for wildlife.

Fence design and layout will be co-designed with landholders to ensure stock still benefit from the shade the tree currently provides, with the kit provided by the project.

This project will use the benefits of natural regeneration, scientifically monitoring the regrowth in a three-year period.

Ms Booth says that MidCoast 2 Tops will be looking for improvements in biodiversity for both plants and animals.

“The aim of the project will be to collect data on regrowth, create small patches of bushland to act as a safe refuge for koalas and other animals, improve existing wildlife corridors, and ultimately grow trees that will replace the once-isolated paddock trees when they die.

“Once the patch of bush is mature and the fence removed, it will improve shade and shelter for livestock, and store carbon,” she said.

The project will focus on landholdings in the MidCoast region, in areas of regional koala significance, with paddock trees that meet certain criteria.

To register your interest in the project, contact Lauren Booth at lauren@midcoast2topslandcare.org


An example of a sole paddock tree that will be monitored. Photo: L. Booth.

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