MidCoast Council parks and garden maintenance still occuring

Individual basis to enable them to meet social distancing requirements.


Volunteers are continuing to work on parks and garden maintenance across the MidCoast Council area, however they are doing so on an individual basis to enable them to meet social distancing requirements imposed as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response.

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There are normally more than 1000 volunteers at work across the region mowing, weeding and whipper snippering to keep parks and open spaces maintained for the benefit of the community.

While the groups that usually undertake these activities have been put into hiatus, arrangements have been made for individual volunteers to continue this essential work.

“Our volunteers are an extremely important part of how we can deliver maintained open spaces for our community,” Council’s Director of Liveable Communities Paul De Szell said.

“With over 3000 hectares of parks, 750 hectares of which require mowing there is a huge need for this work to continue so we can provide our community with maintained open space for them to continue to exercise and take care of themselves both physically and mentally at this time.”

Mr De Szell said this is likely to result in reductions in the level of service in some areas that rely heavily on volunteers.

“Areas where our parks and gardens staff undertake maintenance work will continue as usual.”

Meanwhile groups such as Dunecare, Landcare and bush regeneration works have been suspended on Council owned or managed land.

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