Missing plaques reunited to rightful owners

Deirdre Hall (centre) at the moment she discovered that the plaque was missing.

TO the great delight of the Tilligerry community, two plaques thought to be lost forever have suddenly been found.

The owners of historic Tanilba House, Glenn Short and Deirdre Hall, were shocked to find that on their open flower garden day that a direction finder plaque was missing from its setting near the front of the circular driveway.

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Despite offering a reward and ‘no questions asked’ the plaque failed to be returned.

Tanilba resident Margaret Brewer and two friends were on their regular walk recently when they happened upon the plaque propped up against the corner of the local hall.

“It was obviously put there to be found,” Margaret said.

“It certainly wasn’t there the last time we passed by.

“We took it back to Tanilba House and the owner, Glenn Short, was very excited to get the treasured relic returned.”

The other good news is that the stainless steel plaque naming the Tilligerry pool after the late great Doreen Bradley has been found.

Despite the current staff searching the store rooms and office, the plaque (which had become loose and removed) could not be found.

It was quite by chance that a former lifeguard when visiting was asked if he knew where it was.

He did and it is now being restored ready to be set back in the concrete surround of the pool deck.


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