Myall Coast region donates 180 bags to women in crisis

‘IT’S IN THE BAG’: Organiser Jodie Genner and ‘Shero’ Jacqueline Melehan.
‘IT’S IN THE BAG’: Organiser Jodie Genner and ‘Shero’ Jacqueline Melehan.


TO all those who contributed to this year’s “It’s in the Bag” campaign, take a bow.

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“This was our third year doing the campaign and has by far been the best yet,” Organiser Jodie Genner said.

For those not familiar with the campaign, “It’s in the Bag”, is an initiative of ‘Share the Dignity’ charity.

Its premise is a simple one, to give a handbag full of practical personal products and special treats, to women in crisis.

Tea Gardens, mother of two, Jodie Genner has been the driving force behind ‘Share the Dignity’ in the Myall.

“Each year the number of bags has increased and this year we have received an extra 73 on last year’s total bringing our number of handbags to 180,” Jodie said.

“This includes our wonderful community, the Williamtown RAAF base and some pick ups from Bunnings in Heatherbrae.”
“As of December 6, the Hunter region had collected a total of 3813 bags.”

“We’ve also seen an increase this year in the number of Teen Bags and Share the Dignity also introduced a nappy bag.”

“This year we have seen an increase in the number of Teen bags and STD have also introduced a nappy bag.

“There were also other things donated this drive,” Jodie said, “A lady by the name of Judy donated 30 hand sewn tote bags, we had a box of new hair salon products and makeup packs.”

“I was lucky enough to have Jacqueline Melehan help me with the mammoth task of going through all of the bags that were donated to make sure they are complete with all of the ‘essentials’ and also some special things.”

“Jacki has now registered as a’Shero’ with ‘Share the Dignity.”

All 180 bags have now been distributed to charities in Raymond Terrace to be delivered ahead of Christmas.

“A big thank you to everyone who donated,” Jodie said.

A staggering 36,000 bags have been donated, just in New South Wales.

The next Share the Dignity campaign comes around again in April, with the collection of Sanitary products which can be dropped off to the Century 21 Office on Marine Drive in Tea Gardens.


By: Margie TIERNEY


‘IT’S IN THE BAG’: Organiser Jodie Genner and daughter Rhani deliver 180 handbags to Salvation Army in Raymond Terrace.
‘IT’S IN THE BAG’: Organiser Jodie Genner and daughter Rhani deliver 180 handbags to Salvation Army in Raymond Terrace.

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