Myall Coast teens support White Ribbon Day

WHITE RIBBON OATH: Matthew Barry, Luke Rochester, Bailey Shultz, Timothy To and Darcy Harris.
WHITE RIBBON OATH: Matthew Barry, Luke Rochester, Bailey Shultz, Timothy To and Darcy Harris.

A group of Myall Coast teens are encouraging all males to take the White Ribbon Oath, pledging to never condone or remain silent about violence towards women.

Friday 25 November is White Ribbon Day and communities across Australia are asked to stand up and act to ensure all women can live in safety, free from violence and abuse.

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Bailey Shultz from Bulahdelah said he took the oath to speak out and show that violence against women is never acceptable.

“There is no place in our society for any type of violence or abuse against women,” he said.
“It’s not weak to speak up, we need to band together and take a stand.”

The Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012 Personal Safety Survey found that one in three women over the age of 15 had experienced violence against them.

The figures show that more than 33 percent had experienced violence from someone they knew.
As only half of all victims report assault to police, Luke Rochester from Hawks Nest encourages everyone to speak out and help prevent the violence and abuse continuing.

“It’s important not to remain silent, don’t be afraid of speaking up and letting people know what’s happening,” he said.
“The more people who speak up against domestic violence and abuse, the better chance we have of stopping it.”
To join the thousands of men who have taken the White Ribbon Oath online, go to


WHITE RIBBON: Matthew Barry, Luke Rochester, Darcy Harris and Timothy To with Bailey Shultz taking the online oath.
WHITE RIBBON: Matthew Barry, Luke Rochester, Darcy Harris and Timothy To with Bailey Shultz taking the online oath.

WHITE RIBBOn: Matthew Barry, Luke Rochester, Darcy Harris and Timothy To with Bailey Shultz taking the online oath.
WHITE RIBBOn: Matthew Barry, Luke Rochester, Darcy Harris and Timothy To with Bailey Shultz taking the online oath.

WHITE RIBBON OATH: Matthew Barry, Luke Rochester, Bailey Shultz, Timothy To and Darcy Harris.
WHITE RIBBON OATH: Matthew Barry, Luke Rochester, Bailey Shultz, Timothy To and Darcy Harris.

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