Myall Lakes Matters – Local Wrap Up

This week’s top shot is by Cheryl Simons from her backyard in Windward Cct.


ENJOY our new column wrapping up local chatter and sharing top shots.

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Firstly, seaside romance was spotted on the Tea Gardens ferry with a smitten Greg proposing on deck to a very happy Kellie Smith on 11 July – congratulations.

Up on the hill, the Tea Gardens Lions Club, Elouera Park, has started a weekly roster to support cleaning and maintaining the picturesque Lions Park Lookout.

Residents have also sought Council support to upgrade the park road and facilities.

Illegal rubbish dumping and vandalism in the beautiful location remain ongoing problems and if seen, photograph and Report Illegal Dumping (RID) Online or call the NSW Environment Protection Agency on 131 555.

Moving on, the local radio station is making great progress from their broadcasting centre at Wanya Road, Tea Gardens Industrial estate.

The team is happy to accept cash donations, as well as music CDs and volunteers are always welcome – contact

Down the road, the beloved St Andrews Anglican Op Shop has re-opened with a fabulous vintage range.

Start shopping every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings at the Corner of Witt & Ogden Streets, Tea Gardens.

Donations and volunteers are very welcome.

To local Government matters, the MidCoast Council has placed its first Local Strategic Planning Statement on exhibition and is seeking community feedback until Monday 17 August.

“The planning statement provides a 20 year land-use vision for the MidCoast, outlining how growth and change will be managed to enhance the high levels of liveability, environmental amenity and rural character that characterises our region,” said Mayor David West.

Residents can read the statement on their website and provide feedback until 7 August.

The next MidCoast Council Ordinary Council meeting is 22 July,
On a state level, the 15 July is residents last day to have their say on whether the Myall Coast towns of Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest and surrounding townships should stay in the State Electorate of Port Stephens.

Go to the NSW Electoral Commission webpage at

Finally, COVID is making a dreaded comeback in some locations, so please uphold social distancing, stay safe and support local.

Local COVID mask sewing is taking off with residents sharing patterns, tips, and tricks online.

If you are sewing masks with a seaside touch or have some local gossip or top shots, let NOTA know to share.


By Sandra MURRAY


And another top sunset shot by Pankaj Gulati

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