Myall Park Croquet Club relishing relaxed restrictions

Further easing of restrictions has been welcomed at the Myall Park Croquet Club.


FOR many the world is getting back towards the new normal and after nearly two long years of uncertainty and restrictions, community sport is also entering a new era.

For the members of the Myall Park Croquet Club further easing of restrictions has been welcomed.

Club members are now able to get together and enjoy a game of croquet at Myall Park.

Tony Jones told News Of The Area, “Following the release of restrictions on Saturday, 11 September for regional areas, the Croquet Club reopened the courts for a maximum of 20 members.”

With these changes the Club has already seen 20 members enjoying their first game together.

“Social distancing was easily maintained on the 2000 m² lawns which had been maintained carefully throughout the lockdown by Colin McArthy.”

Maintenance of the grounds is currently underway with herbicide spraying and fertilising being conducted and within the next few weeks the lawns will be aerated and subsequently top dressed.

“In the meantime, our members are enjoying the lovely spring weather and exercise with the games and an excellent level of play,” he said.

All members should be aware of conditions of the courts but if in doubt email the captain or secretary.



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