Naming rights offered as next National Cartoon Gallery sponsor

Australia’s one and only National Cartoon Gallery seeks a major sponsor.

THE National Cartoon Gallery @ The Bunker, Australia’s only cartoon gallery, has put out a call to Coffs Harbour for a major sponsor.

“We are looking for one titanium sponsor, someone or a company whose name can literally be synonymous with cartooning,” Louise Langley, General Manager, National Cartoon Gallery told News Of The Area.

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“Just like stadiums are named after their sponsor, the National Cartoon Gallery will also be able to carry the name of either yourself, someone you admire or love or in memory of someone you love or your company name, whilst the sponsorship remains in place.

“Sponsorship opportunities like these at this level are rare,” Louise said.

Australia’s National Cartoon Gallery is for the first time in 34 years offering an individual or an organisation the naming rights of the multimillion-dollar gallery, built with funding from grants, for every year the sponsorship is in place.

The price tag for this significant sponsorship is an investment of $400,000 which will cover the non-for-profit’s running costs and advertising for one year and will facilitate the start of building diversified income streams.

Situated on City Hill at the top of a hill at a roundabout that runs from the airport to the City of Coffs Harbour, the main sponsor’s name can be seen on the building from Albany Street, on the signage at the roundabout and on signage on Albany Street frontage.

“You or your company will enjoy fantastic exposure as the company that keeps cartooning alive in Australia,” said Louise.

The National Cartoon Gallery is run by volunteers who give their time and energy to providing the public with the unique experience of cartooning.

“This showcasing puts on display how cartooning is still a current form of artistic expression of the world through a comedic, intellectual, satirical and creative expression of the cartoonist; often about subjects not yet open to public discussion especially when the commentary is in opposition to the subject.

“Cartooning is a kind of ‘pub test’ in many ways.

“Calling out the behaviour of politicians, leaders and those whose seats are powerful enough to make changes that society expects of them.

“Or making social commentary on a range of subjects, or even just finding something oddly funny in life and recording that,” Louise said.

The Cartoon Gallery management are passionate about archiving these cartoons which tell the peoples’ history.

“A reflection of the man on the street on that day,” Louise said.

“We also think that by seeing how far we have come on various issues and ways of thinking, gives us hope that we will continue to move forward towards a better and fairer society and that cartooning plays a role that perhaps you may not have even considered.”

The arts have, for time immemorial, had an important place in society and the cartooning genre continues its thought-provoking role.

“Creativity and innovation go hand-in-hand.

“Both creative thinking skills and critical thinking skills will be needed to solve modern problems both now and in the future,” she said.

The National Cartoon Gallery will require a person or a company that has the means to contribute to the ongoing costs and to invest in preserving this form of expression into the future.

As a deductible tax recipient status organisation, donations can be offset as a deduction on any income earned.

If you would like to know more, please contact Louise Langley or Les Davis on 66517343 or email


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