Nelson Bay Gropers & Medowie Marauders Rugby Union teams, team up

Noah Gibbons leaving Merewether in his dust.  Photos by Danielle Underwood
Noah Gibbons leaving Merewether in his dust. Photos by Danielle Underwood


THE  highly anticipated day of Premier Rugby arriving in Port Stephens didn’t disappoint, with Nelson Bay Gropers and Medowie Marauders working together to provide an impressive day of televised Premier Rugby after their recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding that sees them effectively supplementing the Gropers’ top teams.

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The Premier Rugby day was hosted by the Marauders home ground, and there were wins across the board, through all grades, sealing a clean sweep for the day.

Premier 2 saw the Marauder-supplemented Gropers take on Waratah.

Without a win this season for the Gropers, and with an overheard comment from a few local Waratah insiders that they would be giving the Gropers a bit of a touch up, the end result was nothing short of impressive.

The Nelson Bay Gropers smashed Waratah in a very comprehensive first win of 50-5.

Premier 1 saw another Marauder-supplemented Gropers versus Waratah match, with the points table showing very little separation between the teams.

With wins across the board for every game adding extra pressure to the Premier 1 team, they dug in and showed exactly what they are made of, taking down Waratah 15-7 and giving a clean sweep for the Groper and Marauder Rugby Day.

Marauders representative, Lisa Cook, told News Of The Area, “We knew as a club that taking on the challenge of Premier rugby this year was going to need us all to step up, and step up we did.”

Everyone from both Medowie and Nelson Bay, including our fantastic committee, volunteers, sponsors, supporters and players, showed what rugby is all about and pulled off what some in recent years thought was impossible.”

“The opposition definitely won’t be liking the Gropers and the Marauders banding together and bringing the results we are, but we are doing more to lift the standard of Hunter Rugby Newcastle and Hunter Rugby Union and provide sustainable pathways for our juniors than anyone could ever imagine,” she said.

Well done Medowie Marauders and Nelson Bay Gropers.


By Rachael VAUGHAN


Dylan Thompson looking for a gap.
Dylan Thompson looking for a gap.


Ryan Duffy makes a break.  Photos by Danielle Underwood
Ryan Duffy makes a break. Photos by Danielle Underwood

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