News Of The Area welcomes Mick Birtles to Nambucca Valley reporting team

Mick Birtles has joined the Nambucca Valley News Of The Area team.


MICK Birtles and his wife Tina left their busy life in Canberra five years ago to set up home in what Mick describes as “a slice of paradise here in Nambucca Heads”.

Since that time Mick has been a contributing writer to a range of publications and has delivered over two hundred articles, primarily focusing on veterans issues.

As a former Army Officer Mick is passionate about keeping the public informed on the way Australia looks after those who have served the nation.

Spending long periods in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, East Timor, South East Asia and the United States has given him a well developed world view.

Mick is also a photographer and says, “Supporting my writing with images really helps to tell the story.
“I now photograph and write about the performing arts, sport, Australian wildlife and a broad range of community based organisations and events,” he told News Of The Area.

“I have noticed that News Of The Area provides a forum for members of our wonderful community to put forward views on things they are passionate about and I have put my hand up to be a reporter in order to help them do that,” Mick added.

Mick also now invests time into pursuits his busy professional life never allowed for such as longboard surfing, playing music, videography, community radio and spending time with his large but widely dispersed family.

Keep reading News Of The Area for informative articles from Mick and the rest of our team.



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