NNSWF to implement governance review


NORTHERN NSW Football will implement a comprehensive review into the effectiveness and efficiency of the governance and administration structures which underpin the game in northern NSW.

The NNSWF Board met on Wednesday 27 October and determined to charge Chief Executive Officer David Eland with the responsibility of executing the review.

The review responds to the governing body’s strategic priority to lead change and improve governance throughout football to gain efficiencies which make the game better and more accessible.

It will also address Principle VII of Football Australia’s XI Principles for the Future of Australian Football.

Principle VII identifies transitioning towards a modern, fit for purpose governance framework for football in line with global standards and best-practice sports governance in Australia as one of the key challenges facing the game.

The review will include a robust, transparent stakeholder consultation roadmap, which in part will be facilitated by an experienced, independent change management consultant.

Member Zones, Standing Committees, clubs, coaches, referees, volunteers, players and employees will all get the chance to have their say and contribute towards the review.

NNSWF Chair Helene O’Neill said the review would be genuine, transparent and for the benefit of the entire northern NSW football community.

“The review aligns with our value of best practice and the commitment to seek, Identify and adopt continuous improvement.

“NNSWF has a responsibility to ensure that the structures underpinning the region’s largest club-based sport have the capacity to tangibly support clubs and deliver quality football experiences which are affordable for families,” O’Neill said.

“We are committed to working in good faith with all football stakeholders as part of this review to improve the football experience for everyone across northern NSW.

“NNSWF supports Football Australia’s commitment to identifying and addressing current and future challenges through the XI Principles for the Future of Australian Football including the national review of governance and administration structures. I encourage everyone across the northern NSW football community to get involved and have their say.

“We want to hear from you.”

Consultation will start with the Board and Management of the Member Zones in the week commencing 1 November 2021.

The NNSWF Board is committed to delivering recommendations by mid-2022.

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