Nominations open for Bellingen Shire’s 2022 Australia Day Award


NOMINATIONS are now open for Bellingen Shire’s 2022 Australia Day Awards, which recognise our local heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure we remain a connected, sustainable and creative community.

There’s something for everyone this year with eight ‘fresh & local’ award categories that you can nominate someone for as part of our Shire’s 2022 Australia Day Awards celebrations.

So if you know a local business owner or farmer who’s leading by example, or someone making a big difference in our arts scene or local environment, or maybe they’re helping to keep us active and healthy or simply changing people’s lives for better, then please nominate them.

You can nominate someone for our Shire’s 2022 Australia Day Awards up until Monday 20 December 2021 by going to

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