Olivia Smith named Bulahdelah Central School’s 2022 DUX

Bulahdelah Central School’s 2022 School DUX Olivia Smith with principal George Frangos.

BULAHDELAH Central School (BCS) have offered their congratulations to recent graduate Olivia Smith, who has been named the 2022 School DUX.

This prestigious accolade recognises academic excellence and is awarded to the BCS student who achieved the highest ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) in the HSC.

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Olivia completed her HSC over two years as part of the Senior Vertical Curriculum offered at BCS. She achieved excellent results in Advanced English, Mathematics, Geography, Legal Studies and Primary Industries.

Olivia also successfully completed a School Based Traineeship at Gloucester Veterinary Clinic as part of her HSC.

“Olivia completed her entire thirteen years of schooling at BCS,” said BCS teacher Wendy Parsons.

“She is to be commended on her outstanding work ethic, dedication and self-motivation.”

In addition to being named the school DUX, Oliva was also the recipient of the ADF (Australian Defence Force) Future Innovators Award, the David Gillespie School Community Service Award and the Mid Coast Connect VET (Vocational Education and Training) Student of the Year.

Olivia has now commenced a full time position with Gloucester Veterinary Hospital as a Vet Nurse.

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