OPINION: 24/7 truck depot proposed adjacent to residential area in Boambee East

DEAR News Of The Area,

CONCERN about a potential truck depot being constructed in Hamilton Drive, Boambee East and adjacent to Boambee Creek has raised eyebrows amongst the residents who live there.

It is proposed that the site will operate 24/7 and will house and service many dozens of earthmoving machines and trucks to be used for the highway construction over the next five years, and then operate in an unknown capacity on a permanent basis into the future.

At a minimum, this would require significant movement of heavy vehicles through a residential area, but instead of proposing the number of vehicular movements that this activity would create, the application actively dismisses the issue as insignificant as it also does with the noise, dust and fumes that would be generated by such an operation.

Is a residential area really the most suitable location for this type of activity?

Air rattle guns cannot be operated quietly, nor can the movement of heavy machines on trucks through a residential street, 24/7.

Surely there are alternative sites which don’t impinge on residential areas.

The lack of transparency in the DA means it cannot be properly considered by residents/ratepayers until the relevant information and any conflict of interest is fully disclosed and the amended DA re-advertised, in its entirety, for all to see.

But will that even happen?

Council’s commitment to transparency will be openly tested in the way this DA is managed.

The relevant application, 0074/23DA, can be viewed on Council’s DA tracker.

Boambee East.

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