OPINION: Are we worthy of Eco-Destination credentials?

DEAR News Of The Area,

ASHLEY Love and Charlie England’s letters in NOTA 25/11/11 regarding the pending destruction of Grandpa’s Scrub, a 0.5ha remnant of unique Lowland Rainforest on the edge of the Bypass alignment reveals the irony and double standards behind our current Critical and Significant Infrastructure laws, which enable a public agency or approved consortium to circumvent serious environmental protections…for no other reason than because they can.

This crazy situation also highlights the archaic civil infrastructure planning practice of prioritising natural bushland last, and the lazy environmental and engineering outcomes that result from being allowed to do so.

It also highlights the dismal outcomes which occur with the practice of locking in an alignment before a full and thorough ground truthing has been completed.

Isn’t it ironic that a pioneer managed to save a small patch of ‘scrub’ over 100 years ago because he had sufficient foresight to see its value.

The two generations which have followed have likewise valued and preserved it into the next century – and here we are in 2022 prepared to destroy it.

For what reason?

Because we don’t have enough foresight to recognise its value for future generations, and/or cannot be bothered to make the necessary alterations to spare it.


Are we that pathetic?

The patch in question could be easily avoided.

There is ample space.

On Tuesday 29 in this City, we are hosting an Eco-Tourism conference showcasing our Eco-Destination credentials.

I hope we are truly worthy of them.

At a time when our recent State of the Environment Report paints a horrific and shameful picture of not only our past, but recent performance in destroying our biodiversity, and the latest NSW Attorney General’s Report highlights the worrying failures posed by this State’s Biodiversity Offsetting Scheme, we all need to make a stand and say no to destroying this exemplary rare example of our local environment, history and culture before it is too late.

We are better than this Coffs Harbour.

Dave WOOD,
Boambee East.

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