OPINION: Distressing homelessness situation in Coffs Harbour

DEAR News Of The Area,

THIS is our first trip to Coffs since the fires.

I’d like to say: ‘excellent letter Mr Griffin, about politicians’ dress.’

I once challenged then Transport Minister Andrew Constance about the same thing, about ties and general dress.

I said his country-style dress was not appropriate for a ‘Minister of the Crown’ and for a short while he wore a suit, with a tie, but it did not last and he lost the seat to a well-dressed lady.

On Tuesday I was in central Coffs Harbour and I witnessed a very distressing scene – destitute people, sitting on the floor and one actually begging.

They were homeless for sure.

In this city of wealth, I ask: who is looking after these people?

One kind lady offered them some coins I think.

I had left my walking stick in the car, and so at 86 was not able to easily reach these people.
Coffs has done wonderful work with refugees from Africa etc.

If people need an address for assistance, why not the Salvos’ and like organisations?

That might be one way to offer these people some measure of security.

Next week I am back to Batemans Bay, where the homeless are helped every day.

Carpe Diem (seize the day).

Malcolm E MASON,
(A visitor to Upper Orara).

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