OPINION: From the Mayor’s Desk

WE are all likely to attend events at our wonderful City facilities such as the Jetty Memorial Theatre and C.ex Coffs International Stadium.

But have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to make these events possible?

Let’s use an elite sporting fixture held at C.ex Coffs International Stadium as an example. Before the field flood lighting flickers on, and the nationally televised broadcast commences, there are months of detailed planning to ensure these events are successful.

Here’s a sneak peak of the preparations.

First and foremost, C.ex Coffs International Stadium is renowned for its superior playing surface.

Rivalling even some of the top metro Stadiums, the City’s Stadium and Major Events team work tirelessly to ensure that the field preparation and presentation is second to none.

Prior to the Sydney Sixers vs Adelaide Strikers BBL clash in January, the Greenkeeping Services team, led by Team Leader Nathan Silvy, completed a full renovation of the turf, including aerating the entire 2.5Ha playing surface, row planting new turf and managing to complete what is generally a sixteen to eighteen week process in only ten weeks in order to fit in between major events.

The team also had to rely on hand weeding during this time as the new turf was too immature to withstand any chemical applications that might normally be used.

Then of course, there is the actual wicket prep – this can make or break cricket matches, and again, the Stadium has a strong reputation of delivering quality wickets that often make the mention of the commentary team.

Again, a good wicket takes time with preparation beginning a month out and final touches applied for the last ten days.

Food and beverage service is another critical element for any match day and the logistics behind servicing a 9,000 plus crowd should not be underestimated.

It takes over 150 casual staff from our local community to operate over eight different outlets within the Stadium, plus a selection of local food trucks and vendors.

The ancillary services are also planned in detail; the free event shuttle buses that run from four locations, ticketing services, traffic management services, crowd management security, cleaning and waste management, family friendly activations and merchandise sales once you arrive at the venue, friendly local volunteers to assist with wayfinding – the list goes on!

Of course, even with all the planning possible, there is one element that can never be controlled – the weather!

Lucky we live in paradise!

By Paul AMOS (Mayor) City of Coffs Harbour

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