OPINION: I said ‘yes’, you said ‘no’

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE referendum stats are nearly finalised.

The highest “yes” vote was in the Electorate of Melbourne.

The highest “no” vote to the Electorate of Maranoa.

What’s wrong with the Electorate of M…?

What’s right with the Electorate of M…?

Of course Melbourne is a big city and Maranoa is big country, occupying most of south-western Queensland.

Don’t tell me they’re different!

Don’t tell me they’re not equal!

Why is there this division?

Different socio-economics, age, ethnicity, education, religion, values, bias, understanding and tribalism are some of the answers.

And yet, in a democracy, we get a vote of equal value.

I often wonder why.

All these different, unequal individuals making a decision about something they’re not exactly qualified to decide on in an unbiased way.

If I was sick, I would go to the doc, not a dick for the answer.

Go to the builder for a house.

To the electrician to see the light (yes and no).

And if I needed a helping hand, I’d hope for a charity, but may not go to one.

Anyway us unequals decided on a Common Constitution.

A Constitution that gives a small state like Tasmania an equal number of Senators as NSW. Richer states propping up others.

Inequality trying to be bridged to equality.

Closer to home, we have the vote count for Nambucca Heads (30% yes), Macksville (27% yes), Bowraville (36% yes), Valla Beach (46% yes) and Bellingen (64% yes).

Within a radius of 20km, we have these differences.

Melbourne and Maranoa are much further apart in miles and mindset than Bellingen and Bowraville, but I wish they were closer.

So that’s my diplomatic best without laying the blame nor rejoicing in the result.

Nambucca Heads.

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