OPINION: No Highway Service Centre for Bulahdelah


DEAR News Of The Area,

IN regards to the proposed Highway Service Centre at Bulahdelah, I strongly object to this planning proposal for the reasons I have listed below.

1. The first and last time I and likely most Bulahdelah residents were told of this outrageous proposal, was at a public meeting held in the School of Arts hall in 2016.

This was not a Council meeting. It was well attended.

The proposer of this planned service centre spoke of his plan to develop the land to house 250 or 350 people and that he would build a service centre to cater, in the main, for heavy vehicles.

A local business operator spoke favourably of the housing development and said that after that was developed, then go ahead with the service centre.

But here was the catch, the service centre had to be developed first.

I agreed with the local business person and left when the meeting ended.

The last time I heard about this proposal was in the letter from MidCoast Council on 24/8/21 to my husband and myself as property owners in the immediate surrounding area.

2. What is going on? Where is the council consultation with the community. We have seen no surveys, no meetings, so why the secrecy?

I can understand Council wanting the residential development, it makes sense, but not this service centre.

Surely it is not the role of Council to destroy existing businesses in a small town, which I believe is what will happen to the two service stations in town.

The BP station caters admirably to high demand from tourists and locals alike with the sale of fuel and fast food, dine in and take away.

Truck drivers also come into town to the two service stations.

As for the shops in Stroud Street, of course they will be affected.

If this goes ahead the families travelling to their destinations will take their breaks there as the children will dictate so as to play on the usual playgrounds that these unhealthy food outlets supply.

3. Since I received the letter from Council I read that Gavin Maberly Smith consultancy put to Council that over 90% of Bulahdelah residents are in favour of this development.

Where did that number come from?

4. Covid has impacted on Australia, with Bulahdelah no exception, and my fear is that what the businesses are currently experiencing will become normal, if Council give the proposal the go ahead.

MidCoast Council, do not approve this proposal, forget having this settled before new elections, surely you do not want to go down in history as the Bulahdelah destroyers and for what!


One thought on “OPINION: No Highway Service Centre for Bulahdelah

  1. its needed to help with the holiday crowds that stop the traffic at heatherbrae, it will not hurt trade in crowded bulahdelah( on weekends ) and think of the work it will create ,our young ones now have to leave and find work in other larger towns

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