OPINION: Should we support current Councillors in another term?


DEAR News Of The Area,

SHOULD we really be supporting any of the current Councillors to represent us for another term?

Whichever side of the fence you sit on, it is hard to deny that they are all culpable in allowing the current situation to occur and causing the citizens to be effectively at war with our leaders and each other.

They were all on Council when our new Art Gallery transformed into new Council Chambers. They did not challenge the General Manager and they did not inform and warn the community that the game had changed completely.

They should not be rewarded for this failure of leadership.

We need a completely new team that can work towards making our city the best place to live on the coast.

Christine LUBANS,
Sapphire Beach.

2 thoughts on “OPINION: Should we support current Councillors in another term?

  1. Agreed with the exception of Cr Townley who has behaved impeccably throughout her period of service, and we need someone on the next council who remembers past errors so a clean sweep can happen.

  2. Yesterday I cast my votes for the next council, via iVote. I included two of the current councillors, neither of them for the position of Mayor, in the interests of having a blend of new blood and experience on the incoming team. I specifically did not vote for anyone associated with Crs Adendorff, Cecato or Townley, who must share equal responsibility for the disgraceful behaviour of the current council under the “leadership” of Denise Knight.

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