OPINION – ‘Voice’ ill considered, what about the children?

DEAR News Of The Area,

AS a constituent of an Australian democracy I believe I’m entitled to my view on a topic, just as others have had in News Of The Area.

I do not know one person (including Indigenous people) who is comfortable with the Voice proposal.

The preamble to the Constitution needs changing, but the remainder of the Voice is ill-considered.

As stated in my previous letter (as yet unpublished) the proposal will not help vulnerable Indigenous people, especially the children.

I am puzzled also that a ‘selfie’ of the Prime Minister is featured on the front page of NOTA (7/7) while well-written and worthy articles by Andrea Ferrari ( viz ‘Wanted: car to deliver food to the homeless’, ‘Jam Jar off to Sydney finals’ and ‘NSW Governor impressed with Coffs coast’) are relegated to inner pages.


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