OPINION: Who profits most?

DEAR News Of The Area,

I SEE the debate between the Mayor and our local MP is heating up.

Pro-development with commercial at the forefront represents profit for the Government and developers.

Development with community recreation at the forefront represents profit for foreshore visitors, local and tourists alike.

Back when Mat Singleton ‘resigned’, the politicians in power weren’t 100 percent confident of retaining the seat so one of the ‘promises’ was to hand the jetty foreshores to the Council.

What did we get, an area ostensibly for the community that we were now responsible for maintenance and battling with an array of State and Commonwealth departments and agencies all putting their ‘two bobs worth in’.

The combined Service Clubs of Coffs Harbour put ‘blood, sweat and tears’ into making the area a no-cost recreation asset and the two main physical requirements for a sustainable community are a potable water supply and adequate recreational areas.

We solved the former, let’s not squander the latter.

The age old question, ‘Who profits most?’.

Coffs Harbour.

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