Palm Lake Bar Committee makes donations to local community services

A full house at the Palm Lake Resort Tea Gardens Promenade.

RESIDENTS of Palm Lake Resort, Tea Gardens, donated annual raffles proceeds to three major community service groups on Friday, 11 August.

Recipients included local Ambulance paramedics, the Rural Fire Service, and the Free Clinic Bus.

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Gary Revell, local ambo paramedic of several years, gratefully received on behalf of his team a voucher representing a tab set up at the Boatshed Café, a regular stop for our local paramedics.

Helmut Panhuber, Deputy Captain of the Pindimar-Tea Gardens RFS, received on behalf of the local all-volunteer Brigade.

“We will use these funds to expand the station to better accommodate our growing female membership.”

Jan Peeters accepted on behalf of the Free Clinic Bus, sharing anecdotes from a happy bus user who never would have managed without the local, free service functioning and available.

“With 230 people, so far, this year moved by the Free Clinic Bus, we are always grateful for the help to keep getting people to medical appointments they need to be at,” Ms Peeters added.

The Clinic Bus is due to receive its new vehicle at the end of August, towards which the Bar Committee’s donation will go, as well as other running costs of the local volunteer-driven service.

The Clinic Bus is an especially personal concern, as 18 of the 30 current volunteer drivers are, in fact, residents at Palm Lake Resort.

The PLR Bar Committee is a residents’ group, which runs a club bar that sells to the residents of the Resort, buying stock from local vendors, and has been running for the last ten years.

Volunteers service the bar, and also cook in the kitchen at the fortnightly Happy Hour raffles, inside the magnificently decorated Promenade building at Palm Lake Tea Gardens.

The monies donated on 11 August were raised over the past 12 months of raffles.

“We are happy to run this for the community, by the community,” Graham Reynolds, organiser of the Bar Committee raffles, told NOTA.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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