Pat Conaghan moves on the Myanmar cause, speaking with Penny Wong

Aye Win, spokesperson for the Myanmar community members who met with Federal Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan, said she felt relieved that people do care about the situation and want to help after the meeting.

FOLLOWING a meeting with a small group of the Coffs Harbour Myanmar community, Federal Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan has spoken up for their cause.

Mr Conaghan told News Of The Area, “With the recent developments in Myanmar and the welcome release of Professor Sean Turnell, among others, I met with the local members of the Myanmar community in my electorate of Cowper last weekend, 19 November.

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“The group emotionally presented me with 55 paper flowers, each representing their family and loved ones who have been killed by the Myanmar military.

“In March 2021, I spoke in the House in support of appropriate actions against the use of violence on the citizens of Myanmar and for the release of those arbitrarily detained at that time.

“My support for the community and their family and friends in Myanmar remains steadfast.

“With the recent escalation of attacks on innocent civilians, I have made representations to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Penny Wong, on behalf of our local Myanmar community.

“I asked that the Labor Government consider renewed diplomatic efforts and further sanctions on the military junta and its financers in order to support the people of Myanmar and return the country to the path of democratic transition.”

Aye Win, spokesperson for the group told NOTA, “We were very encouraged when we heard that after our meeting with Pat Conaghan, he spoke to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Penny Wong to ask her to consider further sanctions on the Burmese military junta.

“We have been feeling that the world has lost interest in what is happening in Myanmar so we felt relieved that people do care about the situation and want to help.

“We hope that Australia is now in a better position to enforce sanctions since the safe return of Sean Turnell and takes action as soon as possible.”

Inside Myanmar more than one million people have been forced to flee their homes due to the ongoing violence since the 2021 coup.

There is a desperate need for shelter, food and medical aid but the junta is determined for this humanitarian assistance not to be delivered.

“We would love for Australia to further assist in the safe delivery of this much needed humanitarian aid.

“We would like the international community to increase pressure on the Myanmar military to implement the five-point consensus agreed upon at the 2021 ASEAN summit: an immediate end to violence in the country, constructive dialogue among all parties to seek a peaceful solution, the appointment of a special envoy, humanitarian assistance by ASEAN and the special envoy’s visit to Myanmar to meet all parties,” said Aye Win.

To date none of these five points have been enacted.


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