Pelican mural beautifies amenities

Pelicans now adorn amenities at the Lions Park Lookout.

AN artwork depicting the much loved local pelicans has been painted at the Lions Park Lookout in Tea Gardens.

The Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association’s Art Walk Group proposed painting a mural of pelicans on the amenities facilities at the lookout.

After consultation with the local Aboriginal Reference Group, it was agreed to include use of the Kattang language by putting the words ‘Dhunggaarr of Worimi Barray’ on the male toilet block and the English translation ‘Pelicans of Worimi Country’ on the female toilet.

Support for the concept came from the Aboriginal Reference Group and the Lions Club of Tea Gardens.

A Facebook survey also demonstrated broad community support.

The mural will help both locals and tourists who visit the lookout be more aware they are in Worimi Country, the traditional land of the Kattang speaking Aboriginal people.

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