Planning your wellbeing in 2024

Members of the Port Stephens Probus Club at one of their regular get togethers.

ONE of the key takeaways from the pandemic for many has been the need to focus on wellbeing.

Be it mindfulness, exercise or simply connecting with others, mental health strategies have been brought to the forefront of our priorities.

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Fiona Brown, a coach, nurse, author and the founder of Youtopia Wellbeing, believes “wellbeing requires our attention on a daily basis in all aspects of our lives”.

“Being well is not just about not being sick,” Fiona said.

“If we want to be truly well, and live our best life, we need to be well in many areas of our life such as physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, financially, and vocationally.

“Balance as much as possible in all areas is key to being healthy, fulfilled and happy.

“Setting a goal at the beginning of a New Year helps set the direction for what is to follow in terms of the actions required to get there.

“When one area of our life is lacking, it can negatively impact other areas, requiring regular reflection and resetting to help maintain positive momentum towards our wellbeing goals.”

Fiona believes that staying the course on our path to wellbeing requires us to develop helpful habits and know what our ‘non-negotiables’ are.

For Fiona, some of her daily non-negotiables are 45 minutes of exercise, eating foods beneficial for gut health, a minimum of seven hours sleep, and ensuring that she has regular positive social interactions.

“Sticking to this every day gives me a good foundation for my wellbeing so other goals have a better chance of being fulfilled,” she said.

Fiona recommends finding an accountability partner such as a trusted friend, mentor or coach to help you remain focused on your wellbeing goals.

“My top tip for 2024 is to keep looking up at what life has to offer you and spend more time looking at your own life, not looking down at your phone comparing your life to the lives of strangers on social media.”

Kerri Rodley, a positive psychology consultant, told News Of The Area, spoke to the benefit of managing time and being able to say no.

“If you find yourself too busy, delegate tasks and ask for help,” she said.

“Only participate in activities that are significant to you – learn to say ‘no thanks’.”

Kerri also recommends those who are spending a lot of time online to consider cutting back.

“Try not to put too much pressure on yourself and compare yourself to others.

“Me time is important too!

“Make self-care a priority by giving yourself permission to put yourself first.

“It will be difficult to care for others if you are feeling stressed.”

Joining groups where you can connect with others can also be beneficial.

“It can be a great way to give back and create positive emotions,” Kerri said.

“Be thankful.

“Find gratitude in everything – even if it’s something small.

“Stay strong and seek connection with others if you are struggling.”

For support with mental health, visit


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