Port Stephens Dragon Boat Club to hold open day for potential paddlers

Members of Port Stephens Dragon Boat Club decked out in Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Day.

PORT Stephens Dragon Boat Club is holding an open day for keen paddlers wishing to try out the unique water sport.

Dragon Boating is a low-impact sport suited to people of all fitness levels providing both physical and mental health benefits and is a great way to make friends. You can try Dragon Boating for free on 26-27 November at 9am at the Bay Sailing Centre (ages twelve and over).

Karyn from the Port Stephens Dragon Boat Club told News Of The Area, “It is rare to find a sport where everyone is seen and treated as equals, and where there is access for so many.

“In dragon boating nothing matters except how well you can move the boat with your paddle as a team.”

You can also try Dragon Boating at the club for 28 days for free with all equipment supplied.

Membership fees for those wishing to join the club are $200 and purchase of a paddle is in the $200-$300 range.

Paddlers need to be able to swim 50 metres, however life jackets are available for those that are unable to achieve this.

The Port Stephens Dragon Boat Club offers both social or competitive paddling so members can decide what type of experience they prefer.

“We compete in Sydney and the North Coast however regattas are held across the state.

“We also have members who have represented the region and state,” Karyn said.


Paddles ready as the crew from the Port Stephens Dragon Boat Club get ready to paddle to the beat of the drum.

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