Port Stephens FM celebrates 30 years behind the mic

Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington, Port Stephens FM President Phil Rosenberg, presenter Brian Watson-Will and Port Stephens Mayor Ryan Palmer cut the cake to celebrate 30 years of broadcasting.

WHEN media is increasingly moving online and facing the fickle attention of trends and algorithms, it may seem surprising that a community radio station staffed by volunteers is not only surviving but thriving after 30 years of broadcasting.

Port Stephens FM president Phil Rosenberg doesn’t think that it is much of a surprise at all.

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“We know what our listeners want to hear, and we play it,” Phil said.

“It’s that simple.”

100.9 Port Stephens FM celebrated their 30th Anniversary on Saturday 1 April with an open day at their premises in Salamander Bay.

Attendees were invited to tour the studios, meet the volunteers, enjoy the entertainment provided by a number of the station’s community group partners, and share in the celebratory cake.

In attendance were representatives of the CWA, Marine Rescue, NSW Police and the Tomaree Community Hospital Auxiliary, among others.

Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington and Port Stephens Mayor Ryan Palmer were also there to offer their congratulations.

“I’ve been here fifteen years and we haven’t had one of these in a while,” Phil said.

“30 years seemed like the right time.”

Phil said the day was a great testament to the wonderful relationship that PS FM enjoys with the community.

“We’re the highest rated radio station in this area.”

While acknowledging the challenge that the station has faced in recent years due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Phil credits the station’s survival and longevity to a strong committee, and a deeply committed group of volunteers.

“We’re a family,” he said of the 40 plus members of the team present at the special event.

It was a government grant that enabled PS FM to endure the worst of the economic hardship, but according to Phil the station has actually seen an increase in sponsorship.

“In the past six months things have really kicked off for us.

“We survive on sponsorship.”

In a brief address to the crowd Phil thanked the community for their show of support, and forecast many years of successful programming to come.

By Lindsay HALL

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