Port Stephens Labor wrap up election campaign

Meryl Swanson MP (Paterson) with newly elected councillors: Jason Wells, Leah Anderson and Giacomo Arnott (re-elected).


PORT Stephens Labor have wrapped up their election campaign for the 2021 Local Government Elections.

With results for Mayor too close to call on the night of 4 December, family, friends and volunteers gathered to congratulate candidates Jason Wells and Leah Anderson on their election, and Giacomo Arnott for his re-election.

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Joining them on the night were local Labor MPs Kate Washington and Meryl Swanson who congratulated the candidates’ hard work.

“I just want to say that it doesn’t matter whatever comes of these results in the next couple of days because I look at what we’ve done for the campaign and what we collectively faced in 2016; it’s so totally different to what is emerging now with this fresh new set of minds, hearts and social consciences.

“It’s brilliant to see all of this coming under the Labor banner,” Ms Swanson said, addressing the group.

“What Leah has achieved as a first time candidate is brilliant, and of course, the consistent work that Giacomo has done paving the way over the past few years is commendable.

“We’re on the precipice of real change in our area and I just think that is so exciting and so remarkable,” Ms Swanson said.

Regional Labor branches across NSW have spent the weekend celebrating, with Labor dominating the majority of the polls, particularly in the extended Hunter Region with six Labor candidates and Mayors elected for Cessnock, Lake Macquarie and Newcastle Council’s, five candidates and Mayor for Maitland Council and one Labor candidate for MidCoast Council.



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