Pretty in Pink: Nelson Bay bowlers support breast cancer support group

The ladies of the Nelson Bay Women’s Bowling Club wore pink in support of the Tomaree Breast Cancer Support Group.

NELSON Bay Women’s Bowling Club (NBWBC) members proudly supported the Tomaree Breast Cancer Support Group on Tuesday 23 May, with over 40 ladies attending a tremendously fun-filled day featuring a scrumptious morning tea and a friendly game of bowls.

More importantly, the lady bowlers successfully raised $885.00 towards a very worthy cause.

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“The Tomaree Breast Cancer Support Group is a local, grassroots, self funded group that provides assistance to residents on the Tomaree Peninsula who are breast cancer patients,” said Bernie Carroll, Nelson Bay Women’s Bowling Club.

“All funds raised or donated to the group stay in the Tomaree area.

“Thank you to all the ladies who generously donated the wonderful raffle prizes,” Bernie said.

“A fabulous effort once again from everyone involved.”

Pam Pulbrook, President of NBWBC, acknowledged the outstanding efforts of Committee members in making the day such a success.

The Nelson Bay Women’s Bowling Club raised key funds for the Tomaree Breast Cancer Support Group.

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