Providence Park Exercise Equipment Opens Early

Spin-cycle and Cross-trainer offer cardio and lower-impact running options.

FITNESS has found providence at Hawks Nest’s Providence Bay Park, with brand new outdoor exercise equipment unofficially opened to public use early, as of Friday, 29 October.

Designed and manufactured in Australia, the UrbanFit equipment sits in three distinct stations, just down the hill from the new Naidoc Mullet Run mural.

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One’s need for speed can be satisfied with the spin-cycle, working up a cardio-enhancing sweat, while the cross-trainer negates the joint-jolting impact of jogging, granting the user a lower-impact way to stride to better fitness.

The leg-press and leg-raise station offer the facility to build key leg muscle groups like the quadriceps and hamstrings, while putting the gluteus to the maximus on core stabilisation, balance, and abdominal and inner-thigh groups.

The sit-up bench offers opportunities for the abs, flexors and lower back, while also potentially aiding digestion and improving posture over time, when used correctly.

The Roman Rings offer some real room for creativity, with some serious fat-burning and muscle-endurance building in the offing, when appropriately employed.

“The Elwood bars are combination of straight bars, and are the smallest unit upon which a full body workout can be accomplished, the exercise possibilities are endless, including; variations of pull up and chin ups (arms, shoulders and back), inverted rows (arms and back), hanging leg or knee raises (core), human flag (core) and pole squats (legs),” says official UrbanFit manufacturer’s advice.

“The project acknowledges the support of Regional NSW for funding, as well as Moduplay, the supplier, and MidCoast Council, who helped with everything,” said a Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association (HNTGPA) spokesperson.

“Next grant ideas include upgrading the Skate Park, an off-leash dog park, upgraded amenities, and multi-purpose courts.”

A light Morning Tea was planned for the new equipment on Tuesday 3rd November at 10am at the park, further information will be forthcoming from the HNTGPA in due course.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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