Public school assemblies and presentations recommence


SCHOOL students are enjoying an easing of Covid-19 restrictions this week, with the NSW Department of Education now allowing assemblies, presentations, excursions, dancing, music classes and school sport to recommence.

From Monday 8 November, NSW public schools can once again hold assemblies and presentations, excursions (day only), activities on school sites by fully vaccinated external providers, dancing, music classes, bands, ensembles and lessons (for instruments that can be played with a mask on), and weekly school sport activities.

Activities must be undertaken in school student cohorts, in line with school Covid-safe settings.

Fully vaccinated volunteers and providers are now allowed on school sites to support school operations or fulfil specific roles, such as helping with the canteen or school uniform shop.

The easing of restrictions was announced by the Department of Education to bring schools in line with current Covid-19 guidelines in community settings.

NSW Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said the new changes allow students more curricular and extra-curricular opportunities while schools maintain COVID-19 safe measures.

“Students have experienced an incredibly disrupted school year, in line with the relaxation of community settings, we are aligning some school activities to provide them with as much normality as possible,” Ms Mitchell said.

“Schools’ stringent safety measures remain in place, including vaccinations of all adults on site, cohorting, cleaning, mask wearing and ensuring appropriate ventilation.

“Importantly all adults on site during school hours, including staff and visitors, must be fully vaccinated and wear masks to be allowed on school site.”

The community use of school facilities can also now go ahead, outside of school hours.



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