Quilt Show 2023 at Macksville a success

Mrs Roslyn Cook of the Verandah Post Patchworkers discusses the intricate craft with visitors to Quilt Show 2023 at Macksville on 1-2 April.

LOVERS of the art of quilting flocked to the Senior Citizens Centre in Princes Street, Macksville last weekend to see the work on display at Quilt Show 2023.

The biggest event of its kind in the district, Quilt Show 2023 had over 75 intricate items to view.

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None of the quilts on display at Quilt Show 2023 had been on display before so guests were surprised and delighted at every turn over the two day event.

“The display featured cross-stitch, embroidery, patchwork quilts, crochet blankets and many more handmade items all locally made,” Mrs Roslyn Cook of the Verandah Post Patchworkers told News Of The Area.

“The Quilt Show has been running for over 30 years and is always very popular with so many people, both locally and far afield.”

Run in conjunction with the Remnant Basket Macksville, Quilt Show 2023 also raised much needed funds for the Nambucca Valley Cancer Support Group Inc through a raffle of some beautiful quilts and a handmade handbag.


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