Red Cross Coffs Harbour Big Cake Bake boosts funds for blood service

Red Cross Coffs Harbour branch volunteers Dot Allen, Elaine Neil, Trish Mill and Maureen Hammond fundraising at the Cake Bake.

RED Cross Coffs Harbour branch’s Big Cake Bake took place recently outside the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood Coffs Harbour Donor Centre at Homebase.

This is an annual fundraising event.

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The Coffs Harbour branch members were keen to show off their baking skills and try out new recipes, with the tables filled with delicious goodies, much to the delight of the passers-by, who purchased most of the items on sale.

Members of the community also took the opportunity to chat and update with Red Cross members about the involvement of Red Cross in Coffs Harbour and thanked them for their continued volunteer community support.

While the conditions were cold and blustery, the weather did not dampen the spirits of the volunteers and the customers, who were kept entertained by the lively antics of the Blood Service staff.

They were also having a recruitment drive for blood donors and had also enlisted the aid of Radio 105.5 to promote the event.

Funds raised at the Cake Bake will go towards assisting local communities with Emergency Preparedness, by helping the aged and vulnerable and by being there in times of crisis.

Maureen Hammond, Coffs Harbour Red Cross Branch President told News Of The Area, “This was a successful fundraiser for Red Cross and once again showed the generosity of the local community.

“During recent times the Coffs Harbour region has experienced bushfires, flooding and hailstorms; Red Cross Emergency volunteers are always on hand to respond in the evacuation and recovery centres.

“As part of the branch’s community involvement, Red Cross also meets with community groups with advice on disaster preparedness.”

At the conclusion of the event, the few remaining left-over goodies were then donated to the Soup Kitchen.

“Our thanks go to Homebase Management for allowing us to use their outside space and the Blood Service who are always looking for more blood donors to boost their stocks,” said Maureen.


Red Cross Coffs Harbour volunteers Dot Allen and Maureen Hammond busy selling cakes.

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