Remembrance Day commemorated at Estia Health with A-10 Shun Veterans Support Group

Shane and Cheryl.


A-10 SHUN Veterans Support Group founder Shane Griffis was humbled to be asked to conduct a Remembrance Day service at Estia Health, Tea Gardens last Thursday.

Shane was supported by volunteers from the Support Group and Estia Health Staff.

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“A poppy wall was placed at the entrance of Estia Health that was beautifully made by Cheryl Roberts,” said Shane.

“This had a great response with residents, staff and visitors adding the names of family members both living and deceased to the poppy wall of remembrance.”

In special attendance were four Tojess Border Collies (Brooke, Bill, Salt and Pepper) with their handler and owner Sue Griffis.

“MC for the service, Cheryl Roberts, kept the residents entertained during the proceedings with her knowledge of the military way of life, the National Anthem was performed live by Janelle Matthews, the prayer was read by Robyn Matthews and the Commitment to the Fallen was read by Estia resident Julia,” said Shane.

Estia Health Lifestyle Coordinator Louise Hesse said it was a wonderful morning and very much appreciated by the residents and staff.

Louise wished to thank Shane, Cheryl, the A-10 Shun Veterans Support Group volunteers and Bill Roberts for their behind the scenes work and the presentation of the service.

Estia Health is looking forward to working closely with the A-10 Shun Veterans Support Group and the Tojess Border Collies in the future.


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