Remembrance Day commemorations to be held at Medowie

The memorial at Medowie.

MEDOWIE is a small community but one that is stepped in tradition when it comes to honouring its service men and women.

As home to many who currently serve at the Williamtown RAAF Base, Medowie’s Remembrance Day service is one where the whole of the community comes together.

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The service will include the mounting of the catafalque party, the Ode of Remembrance and the playing of The Last Post.

The traditional minute’s silence will be followed by The Rouse and National Anthem prior to the dismounting of the catafalque party.

The Medowie RSL sub-Branch Remembrance Day Memorial Service for 2023 will be held on 11 November, beginning at approximately 10.45 am at the ANZAC Memorial located at Medowie Social, near the junction of Ferodale Road and Kirrang Drive.

Neil Biggar, Hon Secretary of the Medowie RSL sub-Branch told News Of The Area, “We have in the past had participation from all of the primary and high schools in Medowie, as well as on occasion Scouts and Guides.

“We appreciate and encourage youth participation in our ceremonies,” he said.


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