Research student studying how information is received using technology

Sonja Dawson, with her research Supervisor, Dr Sue Watt.
Sonja Dawson, with her research Supervisor, Dr Sue Watt.


UNIVERSITY of New England Psychology honour student, and local Medowie woman, Sonja Dawson is close to completing her educational dream as a mature age student.

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Ms Dawson, 30, born in Poland and grew up in Germany.

She traveled around Australia doing the common backpacking experience of so many European young people.

After meeting her now-husband, Sonja initially went back to Germany and started studying, but decided to move back to Australia to be with him.

Sonja told News Of The Area, “Getting a visa is very difficult, and the process comes with restrictions in terms of studying.”

“Once I was a permanent resident I could finally return to my studies, so I started studying psychology.”

“Since high school, I have wanted to study psychology because I am just interested in how the mind works, why people interact the way they do, and what drives us to do the things we do,” she said.

Sonja is now looking forward to completing her studies in her new homeland, and is inviting Port Stephens’ residents to contribute to her final research project.

If you use electronic media as a form of communication, you are able to participate.

Anyone over 18 years of age is invited to participate in a study investigating how information is received when it is broadcasted via text message or email.

All you need to do is fill out two brief online questionnaires.

You will receive six text messages or emails, plus an invitation to your second survey and up to three reminders over a period of one week.

It will take less than half an hour of your time, and in return you get the chance to go into the draw for one of three $80 Coles Group and Myer gift cards.

For more information, please email Sonja Dawson at


By Rachael VAUGHAN

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