Rotary of Myall Coast met with Tea Gardens Rural Fire

Rotarian Anne Collins with enthusiastic Brigade members.
Rotarian Anne Collins with enthusiastic Brigade members.

Twenty members and family of the local Rotary Club held their last weekly meeting at the Tea Gardens Rural Fire Brigade’s (RFB) station.

The shift in location for the meeting was part of Rotary’s Vocational program where they visit organisations and places of business.

These visits provide an insight into how the hosts conduct their day-to-day activities.

Ten of the RFB members attended and gave the Rotarians a detailed run through of the intricacies in fighting and preventing fires.

The visitors expressed amazement at the level of training that goes towards fighting fires in a rural situation and at the same time keeping the Community and Brigade members safe.

Brigade members gave several demonstrations, including utilising the vehicle winch at a simulated accident scene and in conducting a hazard reduction burn.

Everyone then retired to the warm recreation room and enjoyed a bar-b-q dinner.

Hawks Nest First National

Newly installed Rotary President, Brian Oakley, expressed the Cub’s appreciation for the evening and presented Brigade Captain, Helmut Panhuber, with a donation of $500.00 to go towards vital equipment.

The coming together of the two organisations demonstrates the level of cooperation that takes place within our volunteer Myall Coast Community.



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