Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club

Karen Bellamy, Lex Bailey, Aileen MacFarlane, Michelle Merrikin , Gaile Mackenzie and Di MacRae.

TUESDAY 23 August even though a number of ladies are out travelling, 30 members hit off on Tuesday 23 at Safety Beach Golf Course to play a 2 Person Ambrose and NSW Keno Qualifier. Winners of the day were Karen Bellamy and Lex Bailey 65 ½ pts. Runners-up Aileen MacFarlane and Michelle Merrikin, very close with 65 ¾ pts. 2nd runners-up Gaile Mackenzie and Di MacRae 67 ½ pts.

NTP 11th Di MacRae. Thank you Maureen Toms for donating the raffle won by Meg Featherstone.

We are still very busy accepting invitations to other clubs, getting closer to deciding the Pennant competition, looking at fast approaching Club Championship rounds and supporting charity games as well as welcoming new members and players. It’s been another busy and successful year for our group of ladies.

Pro Terry is always available to discuss your golfing needs such as lessons, equipment and clothing and runs competitions of his own so speak to him and register for games that suit. The new nets are complete now and a convenient way to slot in a few practice shots if time is short. The weather is warming and the verandah is a great place to sit and contemplate your game. See your out there.

By Marilyn ELY

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