Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club competition

Jo Elwood, Rose Morrow, Di Canham, Karen Bellamy and Lex Bailey.

TUESDAY 27 June.

A leisurely 2 Person Ambrose game was played at Safety Beach Golf Course on Tuesday 27 by 32 ladies. The weather was as good as the golf and the overall winning team was Rose Morrow and Jo Elwood with a terrific score 64 ¼ pts, second team Lexine Bailey and Karen Bellamy 69 ½ pts, third Lorraine Broomfield and Di Canham 70 ½ on c/b. NTP 11th Narelle Anderson. Thank you Glenda Kennedy for donating the raffle won by Carole Stone. Our pennant team was recently defeated by Sawtell but continues to put up a strong show so, go girls.

A 3 Person Ambrose for Denise Hamilton Breast Cancer Day is being held on Tuesday 11 so please wear pink ladies and bring a plate to share after the game. Donations to Cancer Research will be accepted on the day.

Club championship rounds are coming up quickly with the 27 Hole Foursomes round and 27 Hole Mixed Foursomes both in July. A great way to get in extra practice prior the championship rounds is to use the Wine and Dine 9 hole medley comp playable over the week or see Pro Terry and book a couple of lessons. He also has an array of clothing and equipment and can book you into the comps he runs. Keep warm everyone.

By Marilyn ELY

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