Soldiers Point Bowling Club News

Terry Antram delivers.


CLUB Championships are back in full swing at Soldiers Point Bowling Club.

Bowls Organiser, Terry Antram, said there is a large backlog of matches to finalise including the Mixed Championships and the Mens Minor Singles and Pairs.

Also, the Mens Consistency singles will start very soon.

“Unfortunately, next year’s Pennants have had to be deferred to the second half of the year and the State final for the 1st Team is now scheduled for March at Forster,” Terry added.

The much anticipated inter-club competition with Nelson Bay has now restarted with six teams being selected.

This competition will continue throughout November.

The two available greens have been fully utilised by enthusiastic bowlers pleased to be resuming competitive bowls.

New bowlers are welcome at the Club where they can receive free coaching so as to compete in this challenging sport!

Please phone Terry on 4982 7137.


By Peter SMITH


Social Bowls in action.

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