TACE Calls it a Day After 40 Years

Lions Club representatives Lynley Keers and Heather Hargreaves handing over a donation to co-ordinators Mary Kay and Sue Hamilton outside the Plaza office in the 1980s. Volunteer Carole Walker looks on.

AFTER serving the citizens of Tilligerry in one form or another for around forty years, Tilligerry Adult and Community Education (TACE) has called it a day.

It all began in 1983 when the Lemon Tree Passage School moved to its current site at Tanilba Bay.

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This left the main administrative block, three classrooms and a shelter shed unoccupied.

Various groups took up residence in the old wooden buildings and these included a library, baby health centre and seniors’ workshop.

The ownership was transferred from the Education Department to Port Stephens Council with strict conditions regarding the land use.

An expanded function of the now officially named TACE came when they set up an office in the old Plaza at Tanilba Bay.

This provided an ideal place to offer computer access and lessons in their use for the general public as this new technology started to take over our everyday lives.

Financial support for TACE came from the NSW State Government, PSSC,Club Lemon Tree, Tilligerry RSL, Tomago Aluminium, Tilligerry Lions and others.

The closure of Tilligerry Plaza saw a final move to the Lemon Tree Passage Library which itself had relocated to the old RSL hall on the main road.

Co-ordinators of TACE over the years included Robyn Jeffery, Leanne Sullivan, Angella Follick, Mary Kay and Sue Hamilton. They were backed up by other community volunteers.

Administrative issues, funding and a lesser need for people to become computer literate saw the decision made to cease operation in its present form.

In future, the individual groups which formerly operated under the umbrella of TACE will now be responsible for their own operation and accountable to Port Stephens Council.

TACE is currently writing up a detailed history of its community function over such a long time and will lodge the document with the Port Stephens Family History Society.

This will be freely available to members of the general public who seek a greater insight.


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