Tea Gardens researchers start $20,000 project – NOTA to Trove

FOUNDATION MEMBERS: Lesley Turner, Librarian Shirley Cox and Margaret Munright.
FOUNDATION MEMBERS: Lesley Turner, Librarian Shirley Cox and Margaret Munright.


The Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Family Research Group,(TGHNFRG Inc.) has a taken on a major project called, ‘Nota to Trove’.

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Shirley Cox explains, “TFHNFRG has the original N.O.T.A (News Of The Area) newspapers from April 1970 to August 19 August 1999, 8 reels of microfilm, to become available through the National Library of Australia-Trove section.

Trove is an Australian online library data.

“The most efficient approach to digitise a newspaper for online access is to scan the master copy of microfilm, perform content analysis, apply Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and quality assurance of the text images and text,” Shirley said.

So far Stage One, copying the newspapers on to microfilm has been completed.

Stage two involves performing content analysis, OCR and quality assurance cost $2.31 per page.

To complete the eight reels it’s estimated the cost is close to $20,000.

The Family Research Group, recently received a grant of $5,000 from the Royal Australian Historical Society funded by NSW Government which will be available this month.

More donations are always welcome.

And the public is invited to a launch of the project on Monday 18 February from 10.30am at the group’s research centre at 3/209 Myall Street, Tea Gardens.


By: Margie TIERNEY

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