Tomaree High School Welcomes Year 7 Intake

John Collins & Leanne Mann - Police NSW; Kate Washington - Member for Port Stephens; Phil Rock - Surf Life Saving; Erika Suyama - Salamander Square; Monique Maguire - Newcastle Knights; Anthony Biscan - Port Stephens Coaches; Sue Xenos - Principal Tomaree High School; Meryl Swanson - Federal Member Paterson; Andrew Roseworne - McDonalds Salamander Bay; Ryan Palmer - Mayor Port Stephens; and Bruce Scott - Tomaree Sports Council.
John Collins & Leanne Mann – Police NSW; Kate Washington – Member for Port Stephens; Phil Rock – Surf Life Saving; Erika Suyama – Salamander Square; Monique Maguire – Newcastle Knights; Anthony Biscan – Port Stephens Coaches; Sue Xenos – Principal Tomaree High School; Meryl Swanson – Federal Member Paterson; Andrew Roseworne – McDonalds Salamander Bay; Ryan Palmer – Mayor Port Stephens; and Bruce Scott – Tomaree Sports Council.


VALUES are the base of our community and this week Tomaree High Schools new intake of Year 7 students mixed with community organisations.

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In an initiative by Deputy Principal Glenn Sproule, members of the community were invited to come to school to talk with the students about what they expect to see in a young person in the community.

Starting Year 7 is the beginning of not only, a six year high school career, but the journey from child to adulthood, and with this comes many expectations.

The team at Tomaree High School believe that the more community involvement they can draw upon to support this process, the greater our chances will be of developing well rounded, productive young people who will go on to live and work in our community.

The key message on the day was to the students is that they are being welcomed into high school, that they are growing up, and part of growing up is being responsible for the choices you make.

The community was represented at the event by members of the Tomaree Sports Council, Newcastle Knights, Surf Life Saving, Salamander Square, the local Police, Port Stephens Coaches, McDonalds, Port Stephens Mayor Ryan Palmer, Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington and Member for Paterson Meryl Swanson.

School Principal Sue Xenos told News Of The Area, “It doesn’t matter if they are at school, after school training, weekend sport or at the shops, being part of our community means subscribing to a set of values and behaving in a certain way.”

The day delivered a positive message to begin the year, an acknowledgement that these young people are on their path to adulthood.

The school’s values are respect, responsibility and success.

Tomaree High School believes that these values and behaviours are applicable far beyond our classroom walls.

“It is our hope that if all members of the community were to collectively reinforce these values, we will have a positive impact on how our young people behaviour and embrace being part of our local community,” she said.

Meryl Swanson said, “This was a great initiative from Tomaree High School.

“Not only did they have three levels of Government attend, they had law enforcement, businesses and sporting organisations to welcome year seven and to reinforce the importance of their school values; respect, responsibility and success.

“One of the delights of this job is attending graduation ceremonies at local high schools.

“It was a proud moment to be able to remind these year seven students how fast the time will fly, and encourage them to be proud of the person they will become,” she said.



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